If you’re new to Discord, like many of us, you might find it little puzzling at first. Particularly those green, red, grey, and yellow marks next to your friend’s Avatar. These colorful marks are actually called discord’s status. Most of them have straightforward meanings. For eg, “Online” means you are currently available and using discord. “Do Not Disturb” means that you don’t want to be disturbed. But idle, what does it mean?

What Does Idle Mean on Discord?

Idle status on discord means that you or your friend’s discord is open, but are not actively using it. This is the discord version of Away From Keyword (AFK) mode. Discord will automatically change your status from online to idle after 10 minutes of inactivity. During the Idle status, people can still send you messages, and you will get notifications. It is similar to the online status but signifies that you are away from the keyboard.

How to Set Myself Manually Idle?

You can use discord and still show yourself idle to other people. You just have to manually set the idle status. And voila! Now you can work or play at ease without anyone seeing you online.

Can you be Idle on Mobile Discord?

You can be idle on mobile discord as well. If leave your discord open and do not use it actively on your phone, then your friends on Discord will see your status as idle. But if you want to manually set yourself idle, here’s how you can do it on your mobile. And that’s it, now instead of the little green mobile icon, your friends will see you idle even on your phone.

Idle Vs Invisible – What’s the difference

So… If I just want to show myself away from discord, can’t I just mark myself invisible? What the difference? You certainly can. It is entirely your choice. In the world of discord, idle and invisible have two meanings. Idle means you’re online but just away for a while. However, being invisible implies that you are completely offline.  You’ve closed your system and returned to the physical world. Depending on your scenario, you can choose whatever you like.

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